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Who Am I?

A certain amount of mystique is always good, so I won't tell you everything (besides, I'm sure that you wouldn't be interested anyway).  For starters, I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon and Washington).   I received my Bachelors degree in sociology from Oregon State University, my Masters degree in sociology from The University of South Florida, and my Ph.D. in sociology at Southern Illinois University.  I spent two years as a Visiting Assistant Professor of sociology at Ohio University in Athens Ohio before accepting a full time tenure track position here at Albright College in Reading Pennsylvania in the Fall of 2001.  

My major research interests in sociology include culture, religion, and popular culture.  My master's thesis was a formulaic analysis of the lyrics and major themes of Conservative Christian death metal music.  My dissertation (the book that is written for the Ph.D.) incorporated interviews, participant observation, and secondary literature to analyze the production of contemporary evangelical Christian culture, especially popular culture, and how various tensions within the industry are recognized and mediated. 

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Stupid Statistics 

As a sociologist, I am interested in statistics related to human behavior. Here are a few that I find interesting...... (Although it probably goes without saying, I should point out that following was taken from a book whose name I've long since forgot and so I cannot verify that these are or are not actually true.  If you know the title of the book, I'd appreciate it if you dropped me an email so that I can cite it below.  Thanks!).

  • 8% of students at the Dunkin' Donuts Training Center do not pass the six-week training course.
  • A Los Angeles taxi company can be fined up to $1,500 if its drivers are found wearing anything plaid.
  • 5,506,720 documents were classified as "secret" or "top secret" by the U.S. Government in 1989.
  • 57% of cat owners say they confide in their cats about important matters.
  • 17 indoor miniature-golf courses were constructed in the United States in 1990.
  • The average "Brit" drinks 3.7 cups of tea daily.
  • The average American drinks 3.4 cups of coffee daily.
  • 9 people have barreled over Niagara Falls.......and survived.
  • 38,961 Americans have a lifetime subscription to "Readers Digest".
  • It is estimated that 46 Ant Farms are sold each hour.
  • 16,000,000,000 prizes have been given away in boxes of Cracker Jacks since 1912.
  • It takes an estimated 120 man hours to completely dismantle one U.S. Army tank.
  • There is a 99 in 100 chance that a deep breath inhaled today will contain a molecule from Julius Caesar's dying breath.
  • 50% of Americans believes that "there are people somewhat like ourselves living on other planets in the universe."
  • There are 260,387,000 bedrooms in the United States.
  • 200,000,000 M&M's are sold daily in the United States.
  • It would take 23 hours for all of the Coca-Cola ever sold to flow over Niagara Falls.
  • There were 20 hugs in the final episode of "Family Ties."
  • A study in 1993 found that 1/4 of Americans over the age of 18 say they would not give up TV, even for a million dollars.
  • A study in the 1980's offered four and five year olds the choice of giving up TV or their fathers. 1/3 said they would give up their fathers.

  • Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or would just like to chat. You can reach me at:

    Charles M. Brown
    Department of Sociology
    Albright College
    Reading, PA  19604
    Office: Selwyn Hall 203
    Office Phone: (610) 921-7865
    Main Sociology Office: (610) 921-7538 (leave a message)
    Fax: (618) 921-7883

    Last Update: 11/03/21
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    chuck brown Charles brown Charlie brown chuck m. brown Charles m brown Charles m. brown III Charles m. brown 
    Christian  popular culture Christian music contemporary Christian music ccm Christian mass media left behind veggietales veggie-tales veggie tales passion of the Christ religious entertainment religious mass media religious popular culture religion and entertainment religion and popular culture religion and mass media religious publishing religious movies Christian publishing Christian movies Christian entertainment